“I’m going to remember this,” he vowed.
During the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, Sen. Lindsey Graham galvanized conservatives everywhere when he stood up against the injustices being committed against “a good man.” He spoke for millions of Americans who were outraged by the unjustified antics they were witnessing in the Senate Judiciary Committee when he called the hearings “the most unethical sham since I’ve been in politics.”
Conservatives want that fire back as the Senate considers Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, President Joe Biden’s nominee to replace Justice Stephen Breyer on the Supreme Court — not only from Graham but from all conservative senators.
Are they going to put up with the same malicious shenanigans by liberal radicals with this nomination? Some Democrats have already started to accuse GOP senators of racism before the hearings have even started. Conservatives should not put up with it. Not after Kavanaugh.
But the truth is little has been done to hold anyone accountable for the injustice committed against Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Instead, it has all magically disappeared. The Senate Judiciary Committee, led by Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, submitted four criminal referrals to the Department of Justice following the dastardly events of the confirmation hearings, but they have been largely ignored.
Two of the referrals were related to the allegations made by Julie Swetnick and the now-discredited convicted felon Michael Avenatti. Another one concerned Judy Munro-Leighton, who later admitted to making false accusations against Kavanaugh “as a way to grab attention.”
And the foul play came not only from outside the committee.
Remember how it all started. Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein withheld the allegations for two months before they were conveniently released to the media. Later, it was revealed that Feinstein had even recommended one of the attorneys who helped Christine Blasey Ford during the hearings.
Recall also Democratic Sen. Cory “Spartacus” Booker’s flagrant disdain for the Senate and his colleagues as he tried to bait them to take action against him for releasing classified committee documents.
Have there been any consequences? One could argue that the Democrats’ strategy backfired so monumentally that they had to tamp their antics way down during Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation, but have they shown any public remorse for what they did?
No. It seems liberals are counting on conservatives to forget everything and give a free pass to KBJ or risk being called racist, as they usually are, for daring to question the first black woman nominated to the Supreme Court. The past matters not to them.
They have no trouble blocking minority nominees put up by the other side, but now the unfair accusations will be thrown around with impunity.
The Kavanaugh sham was a historic escalation in the radicalization and politicization of the judicial nomination process. It was beyond the Clarence Thomas and Robert Bork debacles. There should be some accountability.
Sure, KBJ should be treated with the utmost respect and given a fair hearing — courtesies that have not been extended to many nominees from the other side. But conservative senators must insist on every single hurdle being cleared every step of the way. They must leave no stone unturned. No shortcuts, no special accommodations, no benefit of the doubt.
They should demand and take back the respect they deserve, not only for themselves but for all conservatives whose values have been trampled for years in the Democrats’ Supreme Court confirmation charade.
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