Legislation passed earlier this week to fund a federal vaccination database “sounds pretty scary,” when one considers the issues behind surveillance of Americans, Rep. Jim Jordan, who voted against the measure, said on Newsmax Friday.
“I didn’t support it, but I guess it’s some way to keep track of what’s going on,” said the Ohio Republican on Newsmax’s “American Agenda.”
But with the FBI “putting a threat tag on parents,” it “makes sense to be a little leery of this,” said Jordan. “So that was the reason I voted against it, and I think so many of my colleagues as well … I think it probably makes sense to be a little leery of this. So that was the reason I voted against it. And I think so many of my colleagues did as well.
Democrats, along with 80 House Republicans, on Tuesday voted for the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act, which will allow $400 million in taxpayer dollars to fund immunization system data modernization and expansion.
The move comes at a time when the Biden administration is considering the additional mandates and travel restrictions after the discovery of the omicron coronavirus variant, but Jordan said he doesn’t think more mandates are warranted.
“I told someone earlier today, if mask mandates and lockdowns work, why don’t they work?” asked Jordan. “Two weeks to slow the spread has turned into two years of attacks on our liberty, and for what?
“The virus is serious. Let’s treat it as serious, which we certainly have. But let’s remember the Constitution and American citizens’ freedom. That to me seems to be the smart approach. States that are doing it, like the state of Florida, like the state of Texas, are doing much better than states that keep going with mask mandates and lockdowns.”
Meanwhile, the House and Senate this week reached a last-minute continuing resolution to keep the government funded through February, and Jordan said he voted against the measure.
“This is a continuation of some spending that I didn’t think made sense in the first place,” said Jordan. “But in some ways, it’s not all that bad because a CR [continuing resolution] is better than what the Democrats want to do, which is increase all kinds of spending even more than they already have … What we need to do is stop the craziness from the Biden administration in every policy area, but that’s not going to happen until we win back the House in November next year.”
Via Newsmax