President Joe Biden’s approval rating hit its lowest level ever in a poll released on Tuesday during the second full week of the crisis in Afghanistan.
American citizens are currently stranded in Kabul and other places after Biden ordered the U.S. military to exit Afghanistan before civilians following a 20-year engagement in the country.
Most Americans are OK with ending the decades-long war but are not OK with how Biden disgracefully and unapologetically pulled out beginning earlier this month. Americans don’t like to see other Americans stuck behind enemy lines.
Americans don’t like to see a president bow to terrorists and their demands.
Americans don’t like to see billions of dollars of their money spent on military equipment handed over to people who want them dead. It’s all showing up in the polling.
In a Rasmussen Reports daily presidential tracking poll released on Tuesday, Biden received a lot of bad news and recorded a lot of firsts.
Today's #bidenapproval numbers are record breaking:
-Highest strongly disapprove
-Widest approval index
-Highest disapprove
-Tied lowest strongly approveSponsored by The ANTIFA by @JackPosobiec https://t.co/WvUW9UjDq8 pic.twitter.com/67moTwgzJZ
— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) August 24, 2021
The pollster, among the most accurate in national politics for years now, noted on Twitter that Biden this week recorded his highest “strongly disapprove” rating, his highest overall disapproval rating and his widest approval index. Rasmussen also noted that the number of Americans who strongly approve of him tied its preview low.
The poll found that a solid majority of 55 percent of Americans now disapprove of Biden’s job performance. Meanwhile, only 44 percent said they approve.
“The latest figures include 26% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 47% who Strongly Disapprove,” Rasmussen noted. “This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -21.”
The poll surveyed 1,500 likely U.S. voters and reported a margin of error of +/- 2.5 percentage points.
The Rasmussen tracking poll is among a number of polls released this past week that show Biden is upside-down as he continues to make a mockery of the White House.
Biden was told about one of those polls from CBS News on Sunday and had essentially no response.
“A new poll out today shows Americans wanted to withdraw from Afghanistan, but they disapprove of the way you’ve handled it,” CBS reporter Ed O’Keefe said. “The majority of Americans, and, forgive me, I’m just the messenger, no longer consider you to be ‘competent, focused or effective in the job.’”
“What would you say to those Americans?” the reporter asked.
Biden couldn’t answer the question with any lucidity.
"I haven't seen that poll," @edokeefe asks President Biden to respond to a new CBS News poll that suggests Americans mostly disapprove of his handling of Afghanistan. pic.twitter.com/5O6bk0qm4b
— CBS News (@CBSNews) August 22, 2021
The complicit and dishonest establishment media has propped up Biden since 2019. But even a system designed to protect Democrats can’t cover for him on the Afghanistan debacle, and so now he’s finally feeling the heat.
All Biden had to do with regard to energy independence, the border and other issues was nothing at all, as former President Donald Trump left him in a great situation domestically and internationally. Instead, he’s taken the country backward.
All he had to do in Afghanistan was not leave the place in a state of chaos. He chose pandemonium.
Biden is incapable of leading, unfit to serve and now more unpopular than ever, according to the latest Rasmussen poll.