Good news, everyone! Trick or treating later this month is okay, per Dr. Anthony Fauci. Per CNN:
You’re outdoors, for the most part — at least when my children were out there doing trick or treating. And enjoy it. I mean, this is a time that children love. It’s a very important part of the year for children. I know my children enjoyed it.
So, I mean, again, particularly if you’re vaccinated. If you’re not vaccinated, again, think about it, that you will add an extra degree of protection to yourself and your children and your family and your community.
So it’s a good time to reflect on why it’s important to get vaccinated, but go out there and enjoy Halloween, as well as the other holidays that will be coming up.
Fauci infamously said last week it was “too soon to tell” if it was okay for people to plan Christmas gatherings before contradict-err-clarifying himself the next day. Something about getting mass criticism from everyone.
The idea of celebrating Halloween with Trick or Treating is unsurprising, just depends on who’s saying what. Dr. Leana Wen told CNN last week she’d still do a version of Halloween:
Trick-or-treating can be pretty safe from a coronavirus standpoint. Many families in my neighborhood will be placing packets of treats in their yards for kids to find, like a scavenger hunt. My son and a couple of friends will be walking around together, with everyone’s parents, of course, and this activity is very safe.
There are a lot of people who want to return to pre-pandemic days and greet the kids as they say “trick or treat.” If it’s not raining or snowing, I’d encourage them to set up outdoors. It’s better to put wrapped candies in a kid’s basket than for kids to be reaching into a large bowl. If the kids do end up touching each other’s hands or other commonly used surfaces like doorknobs, make sure to have hand sanitizer available.
The CDC suggested coronavirus couldn’t really survive on surfaces for longer than a few hours, based on studies. Not exactly sure how many people are listening to Fauci and the CDC these days, but that’s not meant as a criticism. Just an acknowledgement people are getting so tired of COVID and want to get back to real life.
The best advice? Just do what you feel comfortable with doing. Go Trick or Treating or to a costume party, if you want. Should you desire to stay indoors without handing out candy or going house to house for treats, then don’t. And don’t shame anyone who decides to do the opposite. The same advice goes for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
It’s really not that hard.
Via Hot Air