‘S’Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters on Saturday linked President Donald Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign to the Capitol incursion of Jan. 6.
Waters was being interviewed by CNN’s Jim Acosta and used the opportunity to expound about the incursion after Acosta set the stage by claiming that Republicans are seeking to blame the FBI for the events of that day.
“They can say whatever they want to say. One of the things we know is we need a commission, and they are opposing a commission to find out who all was involved,” Waters said, referring to Republican opposition to a Democrat-dominated commission to investigate the events of that day.
Waters claimed that the Trump rally on the day the presidential election was due to be certified by Congress was proof of a mastermind organization at work.
“Where did the money come from to send busloads of people in? Who supported them in all of this? Where was the organizing taking place? I’m told there was organizing taking place right in the Trump campaign,” she said.
“And so, if they are really concerned about why our Capitol was invaded and why there was an insurrection, they would support a commission to find out. But they don’t want to know because too many of them side with them and support what they have done, and they are not going to call them to task for it,” she said.
Maxine Waters is an Insurrectionist who traveled to Minnesota and openly incited violence.
Now, she says this 👇🏼#LockHerUp https://t.co/SwiQ3dVx3z
— Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) June 20, 2021
Waters, who faced a censure vote in the House for inciting violence after calling for stepped-up protests if the Derek Chauvin trial had not gone the way she wanted, then said anyone who supported anything that took place on Jan. 6 is not a patriot.
“It is outrageous what happened to us, that the Capitol of the United States was invaded by domestic terrorists. And they don’t want to live up to it and admit what took place,” she said.
“They call themselves patriots, but that speech that you heard me give on the floor, I challenged their patriotism. And I told them that they were not really patriots. And they’re the ones who claim to be more patriotic than anybody else,” she said.
Waters then said protesters came the Capitol to kill.
“But I’m going to keep challenging them, because they have joined in supporting literally the fact that not only were we invaded, there was a noose that was hanging at the opening of the Capitol grounds, threatening to hang even the vice president at that time of the United States.”
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has said he would oppose the commission because the legislation to create it was a product of political calculation.
“After careful consideration. I’ve made the decision to oppose the House Democrats slanted and unbalanced proposal for another commission to study the events of January the 6th,” the Kentucky Republican said, according to The Washington Post.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has also opposed the bill, which passed the Democrat-controlled House, and said if a commission were established, it should investigate all political violence, including that linked to liberals.
“Given the political misdirections that have marred this process, given the now duplicative and potentially counterproductive nature of this effort, and given the Speaker’s shortsighted scope that does not examine interrelated forms of political violence in America, I cannot support this legislation,” the California Republican said in a statement, according to The Hill.
McConnell said the commission is not necessary.
“It’s not at all clear what new facts or additional investigation yet another commission could actually lay on top of existing efforts by law enforcement and Congress,” McConnell said.
“The facts have come out, they’ll continue to come out. What is clear is that House Democrats have handled this proposal in partisan bad faith going right back to the beginning, from initially offering a laughably partisan starting point to continuing to insist on various other features under the hood that are designed to centralize control over the commission’s process and its conclusions in Democratic hands,” he said.