In a stinging rebuke to the left-wing narrative that black Americans approve of unpatriotic, anti-flag stunts, a whopping 61 percent in a new poll said athletes should respect the U.S. flag when representing the country at international sports competitions.
Moreover, 69 percent of Hispanic-Americans disapprove of anti-flag gestures, according to the survey released Monday by Insights & Issues.
The poll of 1,424 adults was conducted from June 30 through July 2 by TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence and compiled by Insights & Issues. It had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.8 points.
While anti-flag protests are hyped by Democrats and the left-wing media as if they’re endorsed by many Americans — especially black Americans — the poll showed that is a false narrative.
A staggering 79 percent of adults surveyed said it’s important “for professional athletes to publicly respect the American flag on the international level,” with 60 percent saying it is “very important,” according to the I&I/TIPP poll.
Interestingly, both Republicans and Democrats overwhelmingly believe it’s important for American athletes to respect the U.S. flag at international sporting events.
According to the new poll, 93 percent of Republicans and 72 percent of Democrats surveyed said showing respect is important.
This is a comical rebuff of many left-wing “journalists” — such as New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay — who groused that she was “really disturbed” when she saw a sea of American flags during a visit to Long Island, New York.
Interestingly, the new poll also found that the more educated you are, the more likely you are to respect the flag.
“Support for showing respect increases with education as well — going from 73% of those with a high-school education to 81% of those with some college, and 83% of college graduates,” Insights & Issues said.
The poll is a fitting smackdown of anti-American leftists such as Gwen Berry, who used her third-place finish in the hammer-throwing competition at the U.S. Olympic trials last month to disrespect the flag during the playing of the national anthem.
Like many attention-seeking gimmicks, the stunt dramatically raised Berry’s profile, but it also galvanized patriots who were disgusted that a Bitter Betty will represent the United States at the forthcoming Tokyo Olympics.
While spoiled, entitled American leftists dishonor the U.S. flag, activists around the world revere it as a symbol of freedom and American exceptionalism.
Protesters in America: Burn the US Flag, a symbol of freedom, liberty, & justice—ideals that EVERY American possesses but so often ignore.
Protestors in Cuba: Fly the American Flag & are willing to die for the freedom, liberty, & justice that’s synonymous with the USA.
🇺🇸 https://t.co/LfGGw355yT pic.twitter.com/f5XuBRBiPp
— Byron Donalds (@ByronDonalds) July 12, 2021
On Sunday, many Cubans proudly waved the American flag while protesting their tyrannical communist government.
This is deeply moving.
Watch as Cubans wave the American flag while marching against the island’s 62 year-old communist dictatorship on the streets of Havana.
Never forget what America represents to millions across the world. #SOSCuba🇨🇺 #PatriaYVida
pic.twitter.com/rbEZmL7YgB— Giancarlo Sopo (@GiancarloSopo) July 11, 2021
One Twitter user summed up what the flag represents when he observed, “When oppressed people around the world express their desire for a better life, note the symbol they pick.”
When oppressed people around the world express their desire for a better life, note the symbol they pick. pic.twitter.com/GBnuVtWwXN
— Len Khodorkovsky (@MessageFromLen) July 12, 2021
American leftists are in the throes of an embarrassing, self-destructive tantrum that renders them incapable of appreciating all the freedoms they take for granted in this country.
The beauty of freedom is that anyone who hates living here doesn’t have to stay.
Dear BLM:
If you hate America then leave. pic.twitter.com/NvtBUnxjpc
— Josh Mandel (@JoshMandelOhio) July 8, 2021
Republican congressional candidate Josh Mandel of Ohio echoed the sentiment of millions of patriots when he tweeted, “If you hate America, leave.”
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.