President Joe Biden, Democratic politicians and establishment media types told us all that “equity” meant fairness, that “equity” is the only route to true equality.
They claimed any criticism of the idea was nothing more than right-wing fear-mongering.
Well, now we know the truth: Equity, in practice, is flat-out racism.
A recently leaked report submitted to the Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism by an unknown party revealed as much.
The report showed that the Vermont Department of Health is prioritizing skin color in its rollout of COVID-19 booster shots.
White people younger than 65 with no high-risk pre-existing conditions are automatically sent to the back of the line.
According to U.S. Census Bureau statistics, non-Hispanic whites make up roughly 92.6 percent of the Vermont population, or roughly 577,814 people total. Many of these potential recipients for the COVID-19 booster are being treated as though they are “less than” simply for having a particular skin color.
1/ 🚨ALERT🚨: An incident report recently submitted to @fairforall_org revealed the Vermont Department of Health’s illegal race-based policy for receiving life-saving COVID-19 booster shots. pic.twitter.com/nsFOBiPOoh
— Colin Wright (@SwipeWright) October 28, 2021
3/ FAIR reminds Vermont's Department of Health Commissioner that "Prioritizing medical treatment based on skin color violates the Equal Protection guarantee of the Fourteenth Amendment, which forbids states from treating individuals differently based on race." pic.twitter.com/oD2hOLLGAy
— Colin Wright (@SwipeWright) October 28, 2021
“Recently, the Vermont Department of Health announced on its website that it is prioritizing COVID-19 booster shots based on skin color. People who identify as ‘white’ and are younger than 65 with no high-risk conditions are placed at the back of the line,” FAIR editor Colin Wright wrote on Wednesday.
“Shortly after FAIR was notified of this prioritization, the Department of Health removed that language from its vaccination webpage and buried it deeper within the site. Now, users who create an account and ‘identifies (or lives with someone that identifies) as Black, Indigenous, or a person of color (BIPOC)’ are notified that they will receive ‘priority’ for a COVID-19 booster shot.
“People who identify as ‘white,’ however, are not notified that they have been deprioritized.”
This is what “equity” does.
Equity policies don’t target the individuals in greatest need; they simply aim to equalize outcomes along racial lines.
What happens, then, is people in need, people who don’t necessarily fit the correct racial box, get left behind.
For example, while it is true that a larger percentage of black and Hispanic Americans are poor, in terms of total numbers, more poor people in America are white.
Therefore, policies to help the poor based on “equity” would simply seek to help a certain number of minorities at the expense of a larger number of disadvantaged white people.
Under a more traditional, equality-based, colorblind system, all people would receive economic assistance. Skin color would be irrelevant — if it just so happened that a larger percentage of black people, for example, needed help, the help would find them under such systems and policies.
The entire civil rights movement was centered on this notion, that all people in this nation should be treated with equal dignity and without regard for their color or creed.
In Joe Biden’s America, that sentiment is all but gone.
To his administration, Democrats and other corrupt institutions like the Vermont Department of Health, race has become all that matters.