Democrats took a huge blow last night as the GOP swept all three top seats in the state of Virginia. To add salt to the wound, the race for governor in New Jersey remains too close to call. Dems are now scrambling to justify their defeat with tone deaf and elitist comments.
Virginians have spoken. They have rejected the overreaching policies of Democratic leadership. They made known their disdain for the Dems socialist, racist and elitist agenda. It was not just a rebuke on the Dems, but a grand slam for Republicans, taking all three top seats in Virginia with victories for Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin, Lt Governor-elect Winsome Sears and Attorney General-elect Jason Miyares.
Dems pulled out all the stops, bringing in the big guns to campaign including Joe Biden, Barak Obama, Kamala Harris and Stacy Abrams, all of whom carried no weight at all in the outcome.
Stunned Democrats seem incapable of grasping that their policies are being rejected by millions of Americans as seen in Virginia. Instead they are attributing their unequivocal defeat to racism and a “failure to deliver.”
Senator Chuck Durbin (D-IL) is one of many who believe that the Dems in Congress have not done enough.
When asked what went wrong in Virginia, Durbin replied “Failure to deliver.”
He believes the but kicking “ought to be a clear message to my party and all those who support it to get the job done.”
He expressed an impetus to move forward with their insanity. “Congress has to deliver. Window is closing. We have no more time. We need to get it done,” he said.
Why the big push? The answer is obvious. Next year is a huge election year that if Virginia is any indication, the stakes are high for Democrats.
“As one who will be running for re-election in 2022, I need results that I can show the American people that Congress can deliver.”
Durbin is not the only one touting the “failure to deliver” line.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) jumped on the bandwagon as well.
“The reality is that voters do want us to deliver,” Jayapal said.
Youngkin was propelled in the last few weeks by parents fed up with social justice policies that have infiltrated the schools, creating unsafe environments for their children and being told they should have no say in their child’s education.
Jayapal believes her party has a better “formula to appeal to parents.” She believes that “by passing a bill that provides child care, that provides pre-k, that provides jobs” it will make parents feel better.
She went on to say “the entire agenda, the president’s agenda is about jobs. It’s about families. It’s about rescuing people.”
Virginia sent a clear message that the only “rescuing” they want is from the Democratic leaders that want to alter the foundations of America.
It is nothing shy of scary that these far left liberals refuse to see it is their policies and agenda that are being rejected. They are steamrolling right ahead.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) could not even bring herself to acknowledge the gubernatorial victor.
“The people have spoken with respect to [indecipherable]. And they said Terry McAuliffe is a great leader and he was the great governor for the state.”
Pretty sure the election result is a clear indication that Virginians do not think McAuliffe “is a great leader” nor a “great governor for the state.”
When asked if the election outcome changes the agenda for the House, Pelosi answered with a double “No.”
The Dems are going to pull out all the stops to get their bills passed regardless of the expressed disapproval of the people. Let’s just hope Kamala Harris’ prediction “What happens in Virginia will, in large part, determine what happens in 2022, 2024, and on.” proves true!